
Registration and Records Office


Register for Classes


Transcripts & Forms

At San Juan College, 我们很容易订购成绩单和文凭副本, apply for in-state or military tuition rates, request a change of information, and tour our campus. Find the forms you need below.

Electronic Transcripts


Transcript Fees & Delivery Times

  • Electronic Delivery, ordered online – $5
  • In Person Pickup, ordered online – $5
  • Mail Delivery, ordered online – $5 + $2.50 USPS Shipping
  • Overnight Domestic Delivery, 亲自订购- $10 + $20 UPS运输(无邮政信箱)-必须在2便士前订购.m. Monday – Friday
  • In Person Pickup, ordered in person – $10

电子成绩单通常在同一工作日内送达. 邮寄成绩单通常在同一工作日处理,但可能在下一个工作日加盖邮戳, depending on your order time.

如果您需要在线订购官方成绩单的帮助,请参阅 Transcript Order Instructions (PDF). Contact transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com or (505) 566-3335 for additional assistance.

eTranscripts for the Office of Navajo Nation & Scholarship Financial Assistance

如果你需要纳瓦霍民族办公室的官方成绩单 & Scholarship Financial Assistance, 您可以订购电子成绩单,通过电子邮件发送到相应的机构办公室. ONNSFA代理办公室的联系信息是可用的 HERE

Order Official Transcript Electronically

 Manual Transcript Processing

如果您无法在网上完成您的请求,您可以填写 Transcript Request Form  including payment information, and return it to  transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com 

 Things to Keep in Mind

  • 如果你对太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的经济义务没有得到履行, your transcripts will be withheld.
  • 如果你的记录不完整,导致搁置,你的成绩单将被扣留.
  • 本学期成绩大约在课程结束后七天公布.
  • 当前学期的学位大约在课程最后一天的六周后公布.
  • 根据您的订单指示,成绩或学位公布后,将立即处理外向成绩单的请求.
  • If you request a transcript that will be picked up, 您必须在请求后30天内领取,否则必须提交新的请求并进行新的付款. 所有未在30天内领取的成绩单将被销毁. 如果你从注册和记录处领取你的记录,你必须出示身份证明

To request an unofficial transcript, please email transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com  with the information listed below. Your request will be fulfilled via email. 你也可以亲自到学校的注册和记录办公室提交申请.

 Required Verification Information:

  • Legal name and any previous names, if applicable
  • Date of birth
  • SJC Student ID or last 4 of SSN

请允许最多两个工作日的记录处理. 在校学生也可以通过网上自助服务获得非正式成绩单 MySJC.

如果您对此流程有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com  or call (505) 566-3335.


San Juan College
Registration and Records Office
4601 College Blvd.
Farmington, NM 87402


Electronic transcripts can be sent to transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com 所有正式和非正式的高中成绩单或GED成绩单应发送至 transcripts@dcoalatemenlook.com

International Transcripts

就读于美国以外院校的学生.S. 他们的成绩单/证书必须由批准的 NACES member. 学院或大学的成绩单必须完成每门课程的评估. 学生负责付款并提供所需的所有文件.


Registration & Records Forms

Students can conveniently request a name, address, and/or phone number change by completing an e-form.

Request information change

需要录取或入学证明的学生可以通过填写电子表格来申请一封验证信. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.

Request verification letter

If you have credits that did not transfer, 您可以通过填写转学分上诉表格提出上诉.

Complete the form here


Request a duplicate diploma

If you are a Colorado resident, 您可以通过新墨西哥州-科罗拉多州学费互惠协议申请获得新墨西哥州州内学费的资格.

Learn more and apply

新墨西哥州为学生提供了12个月连续居留要求的例外, 移民新墨西哥州并获得永久全职工作的个人的配偶和受抚养子女.

Learn more and apply

NM Residency- full time employment.pdf

如果你认为你已经满足了在新墨西哥州定居的要求, you may petition for NM in-state tuition.

Complete the Petition for NM In-State Tuition

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站根据参议院法案授予军人学费. 35 and the Veterans Choice Act of 2014. 要申请军事学费,请填写电子军事学费申请. 申请和所需文件必须不迟于学期开始前的星期五提交给注册和记录办公室.

Complete the Military Tuition Rate Application

如果你是一名转校生,并且已经完成了15个以上的大学学分.如果你的平均绩点在0分或更高,并且你不申请经济资助,也不想提交你的高中成绩单, 你必须提交一份转校生经济援助豁免书.

Complete and submit waiver now 

Financial Aid Waiver

Congratulations Graduate!

There’s a couple more things to do before you go. 不要错过最后期限或忘记申请毕业.

即使你不愿意上台(尽管我们希望你愿意)!),你需要申请毕业并获得证书或学位. This is easily done in MySJC. Please apply by the deadline.


Phone: (505) 566-4203
Fax: (505) 566-3500

Educational Service Building

M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.